Unaired Spongebob Episode

There was an episode of Spongebob that was never aired. No it doesn't have any gore or anything like that, it't just picture of a crying Spongbob at the begining and a bunch of clips from other episodes. However the animater who made it was found dead the next morning with his lungs ripped out. It looked as a professional had done it.
They say if you watch the episode in a certian way, you can make a wish come true. Start watching the episode. When gets to a clip from the episode "I was a Teenaged Gary" close your eyes and make your wish. The episode will start playing slow motion and you will feel pain in your chest for 30 seconds. In two days, you wish will come true.
However, you must never watch a brand new episode of Spongebob. Go ahead, watch as many reruns as you want. But if you ever watch a brand new one, you will be found with your lungs ripped out just like the animater, and any finger prints fond will be those of the dead animater.